Analysis of YouTube and Its' Platform

I have chosen to do my project on YouTube and its' platform. YouTube is a platform that many people use today as a means of financial gain. But how does one get the money? Is there more to it than just simply getting a deposit into their bank account? One of the things I will be discussing is how influencers involuntarily get into a third-party contract with YouTube. 

I will also be discussing how most influencers are essentially marketers, being that they help businesses promote their products. This way of promoting products depicts how new media uses “influencers” as a means of advertisement. It can be debated that this form of advertisement works better than billboards on a driveway. I plan to explain in detail how influencers are not the only ones benefitting from YouTube, but companies as well.


  1. Great topic! I love Youtube and being an influencer is a huge thing right now and its very important people know that Youtube didn't start paying a lot or at all when they had content creators. I suggest you look into Patricia Bright( The Break Platform) youtube channel she discusses the monetary value she received from the platform through Adsense. Also, how smart it is companies to put these influencers on trips to sponsor their products rather than pay a lot of money for commercials.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion! Will definitely look more into her.

  2. Hi Rachel. I have seen many youtubers promote certain products/apps in their videos because most of the time they don't make enough off ad revenue. I find it interesting how you call these influencers marketers. I have never really thought about it that way but it is 100% true.


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