
Creativity can be expressed in many ways. It can be expressed through drawing, photography, music, and more. Today, new media has helped people share their creativity with others, as well inspiring others to become creative. 

With new media, people are encouraged to share their work with others. Not only will it help them gain exposure to companies, but they can gain a profit on their own if they gain a following. We see this with make up influencers today, who create YouTube videos depicting different techniques of applying makeup. Photographers also get exposure to companies through new media. Alissa Ashley, a YouTuber, has been able to get opportunities with companies such as Fenty Beauty due to her photography skills that she has depicted on her YouTube channel as well as her Instagram photography account. Had it not been for new media, Alissa Ashley's passion for photography and videography would have most likely not been discovered by others.

Creators on new media help foster creativity in a myriad of ways. As explained by Isaac Bell, creators can ask for direct feedback from their audience so that it becomes an interactive experience. Bell uses the example of Amanda Palmer, who partnered with her husband and musicians to record eight songs within eight hours. While they might have failed in completing that challenge, they were able to influence Amanda's audience as she also encouraged them to make videos with the six songs that they were able to make. Those who made the videos to go with the songs posted it on YouTube, which helped them gain exposure from other people. 

New media is a great source to bring awareness to your creativity, which I believe is enough to make you feel inspired to bring your creativity to new media as well.


Creators, Audiences, and New Media: Creativity in an Interactive Environment by Isaac Bell


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