File sharing is the exchanging of digital media, such as attaching a Word document to an e-mail. File sharing through digital means has become easy today. Applications such as Google Drive and Dropbox allow you to share your files with multiple people at a time. Google Drive is a popular application for file sharing because not only can multiple people see it at the same time, they can also edit it. P2P file sharing is the uploading of files that are not intended to be shared. Some examples of P2P file sharing are LimeWire, KaZaa, eMule, Vuze, uTorrent, and BitTorrent. P2P file sharing is mostly used to access files that are not allowed to be on public file sharing services. Most times, the files that are shared on P2P are considered illegal. For instance, on LimeWire there is a lot of music uploaded that can also be downloaded. While this may be convenient for the consumer being that they do not have to pay for the music, it is a terrible thing for artists as they are...