
 New media has helped facilitate many things in today’s world. They have helped many with gaining a profit, making it easy to get access to all information, and much more. However, there are issues of privacy and confidentiality in new media. There are many issues that concern those who use new media regarding privacy and confidentiality, such as the dark web, cat fishing, data breaches, and much more.

The dark web is one issue that concerns many users of new media. The dark web is used by anonymous users and in which they use special technology. It is often hard to trace anyone from the dark web, making it a scary place in new media. The reason for concern regarding the dark web is that hackers can upload your card information, post your address, or even be a host for human trafficking. Today, measures to control the dark web are still hard to find. 

Data breaches are another example of privacy being invaded in new media. Data breaches happen when personal information is exposed to untrusted environments, such as the dark web. A data breach can happen on any website such as Airbnb, Dropbox, and much more. As a victim of data breaches, I had my credit card information involved in a data breach, forcing me to deactivate the card and attain a new one. I was also forced to change almost all my passwords in any account you can think of. 

Catfishing is another an issue within confidentiality. It is common nowadays being that people partake in online dating. Within online dating, some people pretend to be someone they are not. This happens for myriad of reasons, most times being a person's insecurities. While this may seem harmless, it can become a violent situation once the two parties meet.

All in all, one has to be careful when using new media as it can lead to identity theft, or even worse, human trafficking.


  1. I went in a different route when I spoke about privacy, I discussed how new media/social media isn't safe when it comes to putting your information out there. I continued to push how important it is to not let your guard down when it comes to your information out on social media. I didn't touch the topic you spoke about and that is the dark web and how harmful it can be on a person when they become the victim. Glad you touched up on this topic and how carful we have to be with my personal information when using websites, dating sites and more. I also like the fact that you touch on human trafficking.


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